Sunday, February 10, 2013

No Compromising

The past couple weeks I have started to attend a local church’s youth group. I have been to this youth group before, but not in a while. The first time I went this year they were starting to listen to Louie Giglio’s Boy Meets Girl series. I have really enjoyed going through it because it’s not just about “dating”. Within the first two minutes of the second session, Louie brought up the word “marriage”. He basically said that dating should only be with the intention of marriage. So far, I have agreed with everything he has said, and I’m really looking forward to going through the rest of it with this youth group.

After the video, we have a time of discussion. Something the youth pastor said this past Wednesday struck me. He was telling a story. I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but it left me thinking. This is how it went:

A girl had been brought up in a Christian home with Christian parents. She was living the Jesus life. She held high expectations for herself and would not compromise those expectations even when it came to dating. She went through high school and college and still had not found someone to meet her expectations. Now she has a job and has started to compromise. One night after work she goes to a party and meets the man of her dreams – he loves the Lord and he’s got great character. When she gets home,she calls her mom and tells her all about her night. Her mom then says, “I’m sorry, but you’re not the type of girl anymore that that kind of guy would date– and then marry. You’ve made compromises. He hasn’t.”

This story made me think. I have set standards that I am not willing to compromise because I know it will be what's best. But I have found myself lured into the trap of feeling a need to be wanted. A need to be loved by a young man for my own selfish pleasure. When we as young people striving to be after God's heart look around at today's world, we see people our age - and even younger playing the dating game. And we want that too. But we need to stay true to our standards. Don't fool around. Don't play along with with world. Imagine being the girl in the story. Because she made compromises, she was no longer worthy of the godly husband she was praying for.

Let us all stay true to our standards we have set up so we will be worthy of the spouse God has in store for us.


  1. Sarah, this is great and so, so true. I hear you, girl, and I know exactly what you mean. Thank you for sharing <3.

  2. THIS WAS SO, SO, GOOD! Too many time girls in their youth set out this big list of character qualities in a guy that most/would most appeal to them, and worry so much about a perfect guy that they overlook working on their own character instead! If we work on ourselves and become first the young woman the LORD wants us to be, HE will bring HIS best along! :) Thanks so much for this encouraging post! Keep it up!! :)
