Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pleasing Others or Jesus?

Here is a journal entry I wrote both this morning and this evening.

Morning part talking about my devo:
Doing the right thing even when you might get punished (or ridiculed) for it. David kept sparing King Saul's life, but it didn't help him. Saul just kept chasing after him wanting to kill him even more! David knew that God would punish Saul and ultimately reward himself. I don't think my problem is punishment or just no reward. I think it's how I end up looking to my peers. Although I know I want to model Jesus in everything I do, I find myself not wanting to look like a "Jesus Freak". Or the kid who can never do anything because she doesn't want to have any fun or because her parents said no. Lord help me stand up for you and for my convictions.

Evening part talking about youth group:
God is so perfectly on time. I read in my devo this morning. Well, tonight at Youth Group Ryan (my youth pastor) talked about how we have an "addiction" to people pleasing. Isn't that what I wrote earlier today from my devo? So God must really be speaking to me. Ryan ultimately came down to the advice: "Stop. Just stop." We need to (I need to) stop focusing on what others think. If we focus on what others think, we live a lie, we live in fear, and we live for the wrong things (John 12:42-43). He also made the point that the people who we try to please today will NOT be answering to God on our behalf on judgement day. JESUS WILL BE THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL DO THAT!!! So let's please Jesus and not care what others think. Let's live our lives totally committed to Christ.

Well, that was what I wrote today. Hope it speaks to you just like it spoke to me. So now with God`s help I plan to not care what others think. I am living for Jesus because He is the only one who matters.

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